AppArmor: fix crashes in open rules (in KF5.50) and improvements for the new…

Authored by nibags on Sep 26 2018, 2:43 PM.


AppArmor: fix crashes in open rules (in KF5.50) and improvements for the new Solarized schemes

After upgrading to KDE Frameworks 5.50.0, Kate crashes when detecting open AppArmor rules (the AppArmor rules are closed with a comma. If the user doesn't write a comma, the syntax highlighting underlines the statement of the following rule. This is defined in the _end_rule_irnc context of the XML file.)

The problem occurs with the use of #pop#pop!context in the _end_rule_irnc context, only in KF5.50. However, apparently, this only happens in very large files. For example, this problem occurs to me when I open the new test file, updated in this diff. However, I do not know the exact cause of this error...

On line 184 of the test file, I put some examples of open AppArmor rules.

Also, some changes are made in the colors so that the highlighting looks better in the last update of Solarized schemes.

Reviewers: Framework: Syntax Highlighting, dhaumann, cullmann

Reviewed By: Framework: Syntax Highlighting, cullmann

Subscribers: kwrite-devel, kde-frameworks-devel

Tags: Kate, Frameworks

Differential Revision: