Revamp Kirigami.AboutPage

Authored by hein on Aug 1 2019, 1:00 AM.


Revamp Kirigami.AboutPage

  • Use a FormLayout to work nicely in both portrait and landscape orientations
  • Don't use an AbstractCard for the person delegate, it's very jarring in this design
  • Fix app description not having word wrap (breaks on portrait)
  • Improve inter-section spacing
  • Fix empty author email addresses showing as "Name <>"
  • Fix scrollbar length if a Kirigami.Page doesn't set any actions (and don't load a gigantic subtree of unnecessary objects into the page)
  • If an app uses Kirigami.AbstractApplicationWindow and doesn't have a pageStack, don't have the license delegate be a LinkButton that operates on one and causes an error
  • Add a fallback to KAboutData::componentName for the program icon - KAboutData::programIconName is deprecated, there's no QML accessor for its replacement QGuiApplication::setWindowIcon yet, but KAboutData::programIconName falls back to componentName already (it fails because KAboutData::programIconName isn't a qprop, but I don't feel like adding it to KCoreAddons for a deprecated thing while componentName is not deprecated)