Currently, as far as I can see, an analyser like cppcheck or flake8 can
only be started for all project files, but not for an individual file.
This is a basic mockup that adds three menu items to the context menu
(it does nothing more).
The idea is that these items run the Code Analysis for the current file
which also makes the Code Analysis tab more discoverable.
- Use the word "Analyze" instead of "Analyse"
- We use the term "Analyse" here; elsewhere one often reads the term "Linter" (see ). Which is better?
Ideas for later
- Context menu item in the Project file tree where the user can right-click select on a folder and all files below are analyzed
In (far) later steps
- one could add a mapping where the file type determines which analysers
are presented.
- one could present the results inline in the text area
- it would maybe be nice if the exact parameters which with the analyser
is called can be reviewed and changed.