Remove QT_QPA_PLATFORM Wayland workaround
Closed, WontfixPublic


Since 5.14 will depend on Qt 5.11, we don't need the recently introduced workaround for setting QT_QPA_PLATFORM to wayland anymore in our core Plasma binaries (Qt 5.11 core has a selection mechanism baked in).

romangg created this task.Jun 28 2018, 3:12 PM
romangg triaged this task as Low priority.
davidedmundson closed this task as Wontfix.Sep 16 2019, 11:34 AM
davidedmundson added a subscriber: davidedmundson.

SuSE still use this "feature" for making plasma run in wayland, and all clients in XCB.

[12:25] <fvogt> d_ed: Yup, it's still in place
[12:25] <fvogt> It's not really a hack though, just a flipped switch during qtbase build
[12:26] <fvogt> Once the wayland qpa is usable enough (like working subsurfaces...) we can switch it back, but until then not really.

I don't really approve, but I also don't want to break our distro settings. Closing this for now, we can revisit it later.