Let Elisa depends on Qt5.10
Closed, ResolvedPublic


We would like to have Elisa depends on Qt5.10. Is it feasible to have only Qt5.10 jobs in the continuous integration ?
Can I help to make this happen ?

Best regards

mgallien created this task.May 1 2018, 12:09 PM
mgallien added a project: build.kde.org.
Restricted Application added a subscriber: sysadmin. · View Herald TranscriptMay 1 2018, 12:10 PM

I've now arranged this, however please note that the builds won't start until the Dependency Builds for the Extragear/Qt 5.10 combination has completed.
Those are currently underway, after which Elisa will automatically have it's first build triggered.

Thanks a lot. Best regards