Make the ball go to Tux: Fix layout for vertical mode
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Fix a few visual issues of this activity in vertical mode.

  1. The text in intro is hidden -->
  2. The arrow keys are hidden by hands -->
  3. The title is hidden by cross -->
asagtani created this task.Dec 16 2017, 3:16 PM
harrymecwan added a subscriber: harrymecwan.

i'd like to work on this.

jjazeix added a subscriber: jjazeix.Jan 9 2018, 4:15 PM

sure, the last point may be the trickier one (as it impacts every activity). Don't hesitate to ask if you have any issue either here, by mail or irc

harrymecwan moved this task from WIP to Need review on the GCompris: Improvements board.

i've made a PR on the github mirror repo rather than the original one is that okay ?. It's my first one if anything is wrong do correct me.

yes, it's ok, just add the link next time (, I'll try to review it as soon as I can.
Thank you :)

harrymecwan closed this task as Resolved.Feb 3 2018, 4:23 PM