audiocd-kio: port to Qt5/kf5
Closed, ResolvedPublic


audiocd-kio which depends on libkcompactdisc needs to be ported to Qt5/KF5. libkcompactdisc has a frameworks branch which can be used to build the Qt5/KF5 port with.

Acceptance criteria:

  • audiocd-kio has a Qt5/kf5 port either on a frameworks branch or merged to master.
whiting created this task.Sep 4 2015, 8:21 PM
whiting updated the task description. (Show Details)
whiting raised the priority of this task from to Normal.
whiting added a project: Qt 5 Porting.
whiting added a subscriber: whiting.
whiting renamed this task from Port audiocd-kio to Qt5/kf5 to audiocd-kio: port to Qt5/kf5.Sep 4 2015, 8:26 PM
ltoscano moved this task from Backlog to Done on the Qt 5 Porting board.Dec 26 2016, 2:10 PM
ltoscano added a subscriber: ltoscano.

The frameworks branch was merged into master and the KF5 version was released as part of KDE Applications 16.12.

ltoscano closed this task as Resolved.Mar 3 2023, 12:41 AM
ltoscano claimed this task.