Figure out qtwebengine for armhf
Closed, ResolvedPublic


According to #debian-qt-kde dfsg2 should be buildable on armhf but that doesn't seem to be building unfortunately, so we either need to modify the Architecture to exclude armhf in Neon/release branch for now or figure out a tooling way of disabling qtwebengine armhf jobs.

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bshah created this task.Aug 18 2017, 11:07 AM
bshah moved this task from Backlog to Review on the Neon board.Aug 31 2017, 4:50 AM

There are two patches added in Neon/unstable, both is required and will be released with 5.9.2

bshah closed this task as Resolved.Jul 17 2018, 4:42 AM
bshah claimed this task.