Typically to autostart plasma lxc container, following files needs to be edited
It needs to add new service plasmalxc which calls /data/lxc/lxc/bin/lxc-start -n system with user and group root, this service needs to be oneshot and disabled.
service plasmalxc /data/lxc/lxc/bin/lxc-start -n system user root group root oneshot disabled
Also it needs to be modified to start plasmalxc service on post-fs-data event.
It needs to be modified to append /data/lxc/lxc/bin to PATH variable and export LD_LIBRARY_PATH as /data/lxc/lxc/lib
export PATH /data/lxc/lxc/bin:/sbin:/vendor/bin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin export LD_LIBRARY_PATH /data/lxc/lxc/lib:/vendor/lib:/system/lib
This changes are made, however somehow LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not exported, and results in plasmalxc service failure. We need to find reason for this and investigate its solution