clean up the settings storage
Closed, WontfixPublic


Again here we see lots of files with only UUID flienames. I think there should be a single config flie per "identity", and all settings should be user-modifiable in a normal text editor, except for the passwords.

rutledge created this task.Sep 6 2016, 9:01 PM

Resources, Account and Identities are identified by UUID's, so that's the only unique identifier we have and thus a reasonable choice for the filename IMO.

Some hierarchy may make sense to i.e. group all config files of an account.

The ini files are editable with a text editor.

Kube allows the user to name the identity, so why not use that as the filename?

Because it's not guaranteed to be unique or stable.

cmollekopf closed this task as Wontfix.Nov 1 2016, 8:44 PM
cmollekopf claimed this task.