Kdenlive 16.08 blocking issues
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This taks lists major bugs/issues that need to be solved for the 16.08 release

mardelle created this task.Jul 5 2016, 8:34 PM
thediveo added a subscriber: thediveo.EditedJul 7 2016, 5:56 PM

Some once working but around/after 16.04 becoming defunct things:

Some more stuff:

This is probably an easy one nevertheless very useful.


Farid, this is one I would also like to see resolved! I often could work with reduced track hight just perfectly, but not without the track header controls. Track titles could be abbreviated, but I would really like to see a resizeable track header area (by dragging the divider between the header and the tracks).

Farid, this is one I would also like to see resolved! I often could work with reduced track hight just perfectly, but not without the track header controls. Track titles could be abbreviated, but I would really like to see a resizeable track header area (by dragging the divider between the header and the tracks).

you mean something like this:


There is also a really annoying bug that causes effect parameters on clips when copied as part of a clip to not correctly update their in and out points. In consequence, many parameters turn into keyframed parameters that sometimes even have their in points beyond the clip's end. This is a grave problem as it severely breaks any smooth workflow and given new users a really bad impression of Kdenlive. People won't understand why their projects after some copying or moving of clips suddenly starts behaving odd, with effects not working at all and non-keyframed parameters suddenly turning into keyframed parameters with odd time settings. :(

FYI, the parameter problem also appears when expanding library clips. That basically makes working with library clips and expanding them in the timeline for further project adaption a real pain in some body parts. ;)

thediveo added a comment.EditedJul 15 2016, 7:25 PM

Fixed. Another ugly one: trying to move existing transition keyframes has no visible effect, does not get saved with project, https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=365695

thediveo added a comment.EditedJul 20 2016, 9:11 AM

Fixed. Internally added (mix/composite) transitions getting out of sync with project and producing large overhead (I even saw 234 internally added transitions in a single project for just 9 tracks): https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=365887

frdbr added a comment.Aug 10 2016, 2:06 PM

Congrats JB! Most of the bugs are fixed.

Cheers mate

frdbr added a comment.Aug 10 2016, 4:18 PM

A nasty timeline corruption with video example.


frdbr closed this task as Resolved.Aug 22 2016, 2:19 PM

Congrats on the succesful release!

Well, we still have some blockers, such as all keyframable effects not working on tracks. And I had another timeline corruption using the spacer: two additional transitions. Fortunately, the new code dealt with these overlapping duplicate transitions and killed them. But most users may think about panicking when greeted with an error dialog box saying that some transitions were deleted...