Make bundle interface smarter.
Open, WishlistPublic


"Sharing resources in bundles is a great way to help other artists, show off your special brushes or to move your setup from one system to another. What's missing is convenience. If you add a brush preset to a bundle, it won't automatically add the brush tip. A stacked brush won't automatically add the presets in the stack. Editing bundles is difficult, too. If you chose this goal, we'll create an improved and smarter bundle editor!"


  • Automated selection of brush-tips when adding a paintop preset.
  • Automated adding of paintop presets when adding a stacked paintop.
  • Make editing bundles smoother.


  • Maybe also some gui improvements to indicate certain resource types have been selected to be put into the bundle. People don't realise bundles can handle multiple resources.
  • Portnov mentioned that Krita is using an odd way of loading meta-data for bundles. At the least, it doesn't accept certain alternative ways to define something.
  • Perhaps link to possible license types?

etc. etc. etc.