Modal dialogs from System Add-Ons Installer needs a more intuitive design
Closed, InvalidPublic


Prior to Plasma 5.21, modal dialogs had the close button just like regular windows, but not anymore. The window close button was light/dark, giving a lot of contrast, so it was very noticeable; now, the close button is red, which still gives contrast. However, the new modal design dialog doesn't have a intuitive close button. Personally, I think is hard to recognize the close button. There is too many elements in the dialog and the close button gets lost:

Modal dialogs should have a more noticeable close button at the bottom or have the close button back in the titlebar.

endlesswaterfall updated the task description. (Show Details)
endlesswaterfall renamed this task from Modal dialogs needs a more intuitive design to Modal dialogs from System Add-Ons Installer needs a more intuitive design.May 25 2021, 7:35 AM
endlesswaterfall updated the task description. (Show Details)
endlesswaterfall updated the task description. (Show Details)
endlesswaterfall updated the task description. (Show Details)
ngraham closed this task as Invalid.May 25 2021, 10:58 PM
ngraham added a subscriber: ngraham.

This is a bug only in the GHNS dialog; please use Bugzilla and file a bug on it: