Testing for regressions in Krita with Qt 5.15.0
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Testing packages for Windows 64bit

Krita 5.0.0 Prealpha (Qt 5.15.0)
ZIP: https://yadi.sk/d/8KPAKEJEYpt53w

Krita 4.3.1 Prealpha (Qt 5.15.0)

ZIP: https://yadi.sk/d/WBEOvBGzCTjKWQ
DBG: https://yadi.sk/d/Zg2dlx-SYMV2Gg

Found regressions

  1. Putting the qmdiarea in windowed mode hangs krita, no matter whether canvas acceleration is enabled or not (Halla)
  2. Painting seems quite a bit slower (Halla
  3. There's something really weird going on when opening a dialog, like settings, with the titlebars of the dialog and the mainwindow flickering as if they cannot decide who gets focus (Halla)
dkazakov created this task.Jun 22 2020, 1:07 PM
dkazakov updated the task description. (Show Details)
dkazakov updated the task description. (Show Details)
dkazakov updated the task description. (Show Details)

Right-clicking on a spinbox slider (to type the desired value) doesn't work

Reports from KA:

  1. Right-click on a layer in the layers docker does not bring up the menu.
  2. creating a new file seems to take more time (but maybe it’s flickering that make me feel this)
  3. some flickering on the interface as mention on the first post
  4. the right click popup wasn’t appearing at first but after closing and reopening my document, it was working
  5. the advanced color selector was not updating after picking a color on the canvas with “ctrl” key

It looks like Qt 5.14 has a regression in tablet support on Linux when HiDPI mode is enabled: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=427039

rempt updated the task description. (Show Details)Sep 26 2022, 2:07 PM