Simplify searching for specific words in Russian glossaries
Closed, WontfixPublic


Sent an email about this titled Adding MediaWiki extension "AdvancedSearch" to Community Wiki to kde-webmaster email address.

@ognarb had some idea on how to implement language dependent search:

ognarb added a comment.Oct 7 2019, 9:27 AM

There was some discussion about adding ElasticSearch to the KDE infrastructure at Akademy, but it's a low priority task for Sysadmin (the current migration to gitlab is more important)

How much value do these glossaries add on top of ?

From a brief look, I got an impression that the primary reason they exist is to link back to past discussions. Entries without such links look not so useful... Would it make sense to delete entries that can be effortlessly found in existing translations?

IlyaBizyaev closed this task as Wontfix.Jan 21 2022, 11:25 PM

Closing due to the lack of interest; if still relevant, please reopen in a non-language-specific location.