Fix sub-comments OCS generation
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Currently, export of comments through OCS is not done quite right, and subcomments lack their <comment></comment> wrap tag. An example of the issue can be seen here, and looks as below:

+Wonderful! Love the Green focus color! Thank you so much!
<text>Thank You, Trinity!</text>
<text>Thank You, Charlie! </text>
<text>Thank You, qajqii !</text>

As visible above, the children are simply output in a <children> tag, which will fail to be read by e.g. Attica, which expects each child to be a fully formed comment.

(also sorry for not opening an actual task and just sending you a message about it, this should be a bit easier to track, i hope ;) )

leinir created this task.Jun 21 2019, 10:16 AM

The issue is fixed now:

<text>10 the best</text>
<text>Thank You! </text>
<text>+Wonderful! Love the Green focus color! Thank you so much!</text>
<text>Thank You, Trinity!</text>
<text>Thank You, qajqii !</text>
ronaldv moved this task from To Do to Needs Review on the KDE Store board.Jun 28 2019, 10:08 AM

Awesomesauce, thank you :D Currently poking about with some of the guts in the client, but i shall test it out asap and report back, but the output data looks good!

leinir closed this task as Resolved.Jun 28 2019, 1:46 PM

i can confirm that it is now indeed working as expected, thank you very much! :)

leinir moved this task from Needs Review to Done on the KDE Store board.Jun 28 2019, 1:47 PM