Closed, InvalidPublic



Ghost6 triaged this task as Normal priority.

There are at least 2 tasks for this already, in other workboards:


Maybe it would make more sense to add this feedback as a comment there, instead of opening new tasks?

There are at least 2 tasks for this already, in other workboards:


Maybe it would make more sense to add this feedback as a comment there, instead of opening new tasks?

Sorry i didn't know about this 2 tasks, this task i can't delete, but I will write a comment.

Great, thank you!

Ghost6 closed this task as Invalid.Apr 7 2019, 3:09 PM
Ghost6 renamed this task from Call to redesign a KDE site to -.May 7 2019, 6:27 PM
Ghost6 updated the task description. (Show Details)
Ghost6 removed a project: VDG.
Ghost6 removed subscribers: skadinna, Ghost6.