SMS App Should Gracefully Handle Phone Disconnection
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Currently, when the phone is disconnected the GUI is functional-looking. The box to type an SMS is disabled, and the GUI reports that no device is connected, but everything else appears as if it were working.

However, attempting to click on a known conversation in the list causes the ConversationsDbusInterface to explode, bringing down the messaging app. Scrolling up in an already-loaded conversation appears to work.

The GUI should keep doing *something* sensible when the phone is disconnected. One possible answer would be to just clear the Conversations List. It would be much cooler, though, to upgrade the ConversationsDbusInterface to not explode when the phone is disconnected, and instead just rely on its cached data.

sredman created this task.Dec 13 2018, 9:06 PM
sredman triaged this task as Normal priority.

This is essentially a re-statement of bug 401587

sredman renamed this task from Messaging App Should Gracefully Handle Phone Disconnection to SMS App Should Gracefully Handle Phone Disconnection.Dec 13 2018, 9:33 PM
sredman raised the priority of this task from Normal to High.