SMS App should display some loading indicator while loading
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As soon as the messaging app launches, two long operations happen:

  • It sends a request to the phone for the current most-recent list of conversations, which takes some times
  • Once the conversations return, it does an O(n^2) search to match conversations to contacts. This also takes time.

Meanwhile, the GUI is empty and the user is confused. "Where is my data?", he wonders, "Am I ever going to be able to send an SMS?"

The messaging gui should display something while loading. Maybe a spinning "loading" wheel, maybe a loading bar (showing percentage of conversations matched to contacts, for instance), maybe both depending on what stage of loading the app is in.

sredman created this task.Dec 13 2018, 9:01 PM
sredman triaged this task as Normal priority.
sredman claimed this task.Apr 12 2019, 9:15 PM
sredman closed this task as Resolved.Jul 22 2019, 7:05 AM

Mostly resolved. The actual conversation shows a nice spinner when waiting for messages. The conversation list still doesn't show anything, but also I have trouble reproducing a case where it loads slowly so I think it will be okay