Allow windows to specify that they should not get animated on window close

Authored by graesslin on Jan 24 2014, 11:34 AM.


Allow windows to specify that they should not get animated on window close

By setting the X property _KDE_NET_WM_SKIP_CLOSE_ANIMATION to 1 a window
can request to be excluded from any close animation. This property is
read in Toplevel, so that it is available to both Client and Unmanaged.

If the window has this property set the Scene suppresses the paintWindow
loop of the Deleted. Thus no effect needs to be adjusted. But an effect
using drawWindow directly would still be able to render the Deleted as
there is no suppression.

Furthermore the property is passed to the EffectWindow so that an
Effect can make use of this functionality and not start the animation
in the first place.

REVIEW: 115288


graesslinJan 28 2014, 6:43 AM
R524:d3fa39a40384: Keep KWin responsive while loading all effects