port to qt5-only phonon

Authored by sitter on Jul 30 2019, 10:21 AM.


port to qt5-only phonon

  • now requires cmake 3.5 same as libphonon
  • also requires phonon 4.11+. there is no technical reason for this as the code is still backwards compatible, it does however restrict the scenarios needing QA to one!
  • find and use ecm directly (instead of relying of libphonon implicilty)
  • move from deprecated cmake includes implicitly inherited from libphonon to more modern variants (notably: featuresummary)
  • revise the definition passing to go through a generated config.h instead to have a clearly separation of responsibility and also slightly easier to read. this excludes api switches because those need to be available as early as possible to manipulate phonon header behavior
  • no longer use a crappy finder to wrap around the phonon cmake module, use or rather find it directly
  • version setup now uses ecm_setup_version
  • ecm is now always assumed as available (previously it was kinda optional because the qt4 build didn't use it)
  • include directory handling has been revised to a) rely on imported targets b) for the extra include we need it's now scoped to our target rather than global
  • no longer using legacy cmake macros for automoc and qt5-use
  • the desktop file has been completely removed as it is replaced by the builtin json blob of the .so


sitterAug 5 2019, 9:18 AM
R489:844dec1f2e15: add import targets to findlibvlc