[resources] Add a unified Google Groupware Resource (WIP)

Authored by poboiko on Apr 4 2020, 1:49 PM.


[resources] Add a unified Google Groupware Resource (WIP)

This is an attempt to unify existing Calendar&Tasks and Contacts resources into
a single Groupware resource. At some point, hopefully, GMail support could be also
added here (see task T646: [Google] Native Gmail resource / Google Groupware and T9422: Automatic setup of Gmail + Google Calendar/Contacts).

Various "subresources" (Calendar, Tasks and Contacts) are implemented as subclasses of GenericHandler,
which is a basic Akonadi::ResourceBase interface. The resource decides which Handler it should call
by looking at mimetypes. Handlers are friends of GoogleResource, so they can call its callbacks
(like itemsRetrieved()) as needed. This was done primarily to separate logic of different subresources;
this might be not the best solution, I'm open to suggestions.

This patch also reworks the settings dialog & relevant code.
The dialog is now using .ui file. The "account picker" is gone, as it's no longer needed;
instead, a single "Configure..." button is added which invokes the auth process.

It also implements "last sync token" API (T647: [KGAPI] Investigate the new "last sync token" in Google API) for calendar incremental updates. Without this API,
event moving between calendars were not handled properly (i.e. event was not removed from the "source" calendar).

Work to be done:

  1. KAccounts integration. Need to be able to disable various subresources on demand, and determine auth scopes based on that.
  2. GMail integration. Need to somehow adopt ImapResourceBase / ResourceState scheme, and merge it with current Handlers scheme.
  3. Add Akonadi::Tag support for Contacts. Tags seem to be more appropriate than having bunch of virtual collections, but this might require some changes inside KAddressBook.

Test Plan:
Here's a comprehensive list of what was tested and what issues were discovered.

  1. Adding event locally
  2. Changing event locally
  3. Removing event locally
  4. Moving events between calendars locally
  5. Adding calendar locally
    • new calendar is added as a virtual collection, cannot add events there afterwards; probably a KOrganizer issue
    • color of newly added calendar is not known, google just don't return it to us
  6. Removing calendar locally
  7. Changing calendar locally
  8. Adding event remotely
  9. Changing event remotely
  10. Removing event remotely
  11. Moving events between calendars remotely
  12. Adding calendar remotely
  13. Removing calendar remotely
  14. Adding task&subtask remotely
  15. Changing task locally
  16. Removing task locally
  17. Removing a task with subtasks locally (subtasks go to the upper level)
  18. Adding/removing tasklist locally
    • wasn't tested, but should work. KOrganizer just don't know how to add a tasklist, it adds a calendar by default (probably it sees no difference between them...)
  19. Changing tasklist locally
  20. Adding task&subtask remotely
  21. Changing task remotely
  22. Removing task remotely
  23. Adding tasklist remotely (it is not subscribed automatically, however, so user have to go to account settings and enable it)
  24. Changing tasklist remotely
  25. Removing tasklist remotely
  26. Adding contact (including photo) locally, both inside "My Contacts" and "Other Contacts" groups
  27. Moving contact between "My Contacts" and "Other Contacts" groups
  28. Chaging contact (including photo) locally
  29. Removing contat locally
  30. Adding contact to contact group locally
  31. Removing contact from contact group locally
    • wasn't tested, since I've found to UI to "Unlink Item" :(
  32. Adding contact (including photo) remotely
  33. Changing contact (including photo) remotely
  34. Removing contact remotely
  35. Adding contact to contact group remotely
  36. Removing contact from contact group remotely
    • doesn't work: need an easy way to fetch all collections we're linked to (so we know which UnlinkJobs we should start)

Reviewers: dvratil

Subscribers: kde-pim


Differential Revision: https://phabricator.kde.org/D28560


poboikoApr 4 2020, 5:28 PM
R44:b1c6ed3e8675: Move to google-groupware folder