Diffusion Krita 0f1a20d37035

Port KisBrushOp to use "mutated" and "uniquely concurrent" jobs

Authored by dkazakov on Oct 9 2017, 5:35 PM.


Port KisBrushOp to use "mutated" and "uniquely concurrent" jobs

Now all the threading in KisBrushOp is done using strokes framework only,
therefore we can throttle CPU in a correct way.

The patch also includes:

  1. KisStrokeStrategy::balancingRatioOverride() can now override the global preferred queues balancing ratio. Basically, when the paintop supports async updates we set updates higher priority over brush jobs.
  1. KisPainter::runnableStrokeJobsInterface() now must hold a pointer to the currently preferred jobs execution engines.

    TODO: implement a fake default execution engine, tight now all the unittests will crash as soon as they try to paint with a paintop
  1. KisBrush::threadingAllowed() now tells if the brush is allowed to use internals multithreading with QtConcurrent. It is forbidden for the asynchronous paintops, because it saturates CPU cores with extra threads.


dkazakovOct 9 2017, 5:35 PM
R37:fa8ba8220afd: Refactor addMutableJob() into addMutableJobs()