Add contacts-reading plugin (Android side)

Authored by sredman on May 31 2018, 12:33 AM.


Add contacts-reading plugin (Android side)

Add a plugin to the KDE Connect Android application which supports reading the Android contacts databases and sending the requested data as vcards

  • Android automatically has support for exporting vcards with all the fields you would expect (phone, email, photo, etc.)
    • I add two custom fields, one for the modification timestamp and another for the NAME_RAW_CONTACT_ID so that the contacts can be correlated back to the Android database

This does not (yet) support writing contacts back to the phone nor does it automatically listen to the phone's contacts database to change

BUG: 367999

Test Plan:
Connect the device to the desktop and verify that vcards are created in QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation / kpeoplevcard". On my system this is ~/.local/share/kpeoplevcard

Create a dummy contact on the device and verify it is synchronized (Currently not automatic, have to disconnect and reconnect or use dbus)

Modify the dummy contact and verify the modifications are synchronized (Currently not automatic, have to disconnect and reconnect or use dbus)

Delete the dummy contact and verify the deletion is synchronized (Currently not automatic, have to disconnect and reconnect or use dbus)

Reviewers: KDE Connect, mtijink, nicolasfella

Reviewed By: KDE Connect, nicolasfella

Subscribers: MatMaul, philipc, kdeconnect, nicolasfella, andyholmes, mtijink

Tags: KDE Connect

Maniphest Tasks: T8283

Differential Revision:


sredmanJun 8 2018, 3:04 AM
KDE Connect
Differential Revision
D9690: Add contacts-reading plugin (Android side)
R225:0dc424e7dab0: GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction)