Make building with KF5 the default on non Windows platforms

Authored by habacker on Jul 16 2017, 7:34 PM.


Make building with KF5 the default on non Windows platforms


habackerJul 16 2017, 7:35 PM
R139:7acd6b1f2229: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Applications/17.04'

Can we please finally discuss on how to make the master branch Qt5-only? The deviation from the common practice makes things complicated, and officially umbrello is still marked as kdelibs4; otherwise documentation does not work, for example.
You can still keep a kdelibs4-branch, commit there and merge into master. It would be also useful to know which are the remaining issues on Windows.

In the meantime, please revert this.

Or maybe it's just better if simply move the tracked translations to KF5. But this hybrid branch style should be resolved.

No, I can't do that.
You use a trick to change the DTD for Frameworks, but the localized documentation does not change its DTD. The localized documentation will be injected in the final tarball and will use the 4.2 DTD, which required KDELibs4Support. So either:

  • add a dependency to KDELibs4Support
  • revert this commit.

It would be also useful to know which are the remaining issues on Windows.