Fix cancelTask() for retrieveItems()

Authored by nowicki on Oct 4 2017, 5:38 AM.



Terminate the current transaction similar to the retrieveItem() case as otherwise the state machine is broken.

I've seen this screw up the EWS resource a few times when item retrieval from the server fails for some reason.

Diff Detail

R165 Akonadi
Lint Skipped
Unit Tests Skipped
nowicki created this revision.Oct 4 2017, 5:38 AM
dvratil accepted this revision.Oct 4 2017, 11:07 AM

Good catch! Commit to Applications/17.08 branch please.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Oct 4 2017, 11:07 AM

Good catch! Commit to Applications/17.08 branch please.

Only to 17.08 or 17.08 + master?

Commit to 17.08, and merge into master. If there are merge conflicts or other issues, just let it be, I'll merge it later.

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.