Privacy Options for Notifications Forwarded to Desktop

Authored by alexkovrigin on Nov 23 2018, 7:56 PM.



Add Privacy Options for Notifications Forwarded to Desktop.

Test Plan
  • Open the android app.
  • Go to Notifications Plugin Filter List (?)
  • Long click any application.
  • Press "Privacy options".
  • Set your options.
  • Close the menu and get a notification.

Diff Detail

R225 KDE Connect - Android application
No Linters Available
No Unit Test Coverage
Build Status
Buildable 5972
Build 5990: arc lint + arc unit
alexkovrigin created this revision.Nov 23 2018, 7:56 PM
Restricted Application added a project: KDE Connect. · View Herald TranscriptNov 23 2018, 7:56 PM
Restricted Application added a subscriber: kdeconnect. · View Herald Transcript
alexkovrigin requested review of this revision.Nov 23 2018, 7:56 PM

The main mechanic added, translation functionality added and some bug fixed.

Fix the phabricator revision publication error

  • Privacy Options for Notifications Forwarded to Desktop v4 (still work in progress)

I haven't completely figured out the problem yet, but one thing I have noticed is that the enable/disable checkbox for an app is no longer saved. This suggests to me that something about the way the database is set up is causing it to either not be read-able or not be write-able. You could check the return value from ourDatabase.insert. If it is -1, it means there was an error.

My suggestion would be to make two database tables. Leave the old one for KEY_IS_ENABLED like it was, then make a second table with KEY_PRIVACY_OPTIONS. This makes more sense to me from a database standpoint anyway, because there is no relationship between being enabled and having privacy options set

I haven't completely figured out the problem yet, but one thing I have noticed is that the enable/disable checkbox for an app is no longer saved. This suggests to me that something about the way the database is set up is causing it to either not be read-able or not be write-able. You could check the return value from ourDatabase.insert. If it is -1, it means there was an error.

This was the problem. If you like having everything in one table better, then feel free to keep working in this direction. Otherwise, I think multiple tables is the way to go.

Also, once that is working, a change I would suggest is to block the reply-able button on a content-private notification, since it doesn't really make sense to try to reply if there is nothing to reply to. Also, I think having the app name, instead of "New Notification" is a bit nicer.

If you want to work on this yourself, go for it! Otherwise, I have uploaded the patch with my changes here: . Be sure you understand what is going on, since GCi is about teaching, not just me providing the answer :)
(The complete diff is here:

Thanks Simon! Your code is really easy to understand. Initiallly I wanted to work on my own. It turned out, that I did the same things as you, but it didn't work. Then I realised, that I had to delete KDE Connect and reinstall it, because it had an old table, which was in the way. Now everything works just right with my code and your code, but yours is more ... elegant. If you don't mind, I will add your diff to this revision, so we can close it.

Go ahead and use my version. There are a few small things I noticed which I will point out after uploading (because the other form doesn't accept comments!)

alexkovrigin edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
alexkovrigin edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)

Diff by sredman, fix of bug with tables in and some beautification of

sredman added inline comments.Nov 25 2018, 7:37 PM

I forgot to clean up this comment


These sections could do with some comments explaining how you are using the encoded bits to store the two privacy options.
Alternatively, it would be clearer to read if the table had two boolean columns instead of one integer :)


I was messing around with this (thus the commented-out line). Do any of these need to be here? I don't think so, but we should test. If not, then the "else" block which matches this "if" can probably be combined into the "if (!blockContents)" block starting at line 250

  • Privacy Options for Notifications Forwarded to Desktop v5

Cosmetic changes, added dev comments, added normal comments, xml values tweaked.

alexkovrigin marked an inline comment as done.Nov 26 2018, 4:00 PM

I think, I've fixed everythng.


I added comments. I don't thing, that idea with two booleans are good, because back when I wrote this code, I focused, so if someone wants to add a new option, for example, to ignore all notification of the app ( for example if it's Facebook messenger xD ). With just an integer the code isn't that easy, but all you have to do is to add a new enum value and that's it. With two booleans it wouldn't be much harder actually... but where's the fun in that? (I guess...)


I guess, I did what you said...

This is looking really good! I noticed that there seems to be a problem with the privacy options not being per-connection. I hid the contents for Gmail on my computer at home, but now Gmail contents are blocked on my work computer as well! Do you have some way to test with two desktop devices? I can look in to this as well, but I will not have time for at least a week, probably longer


Okay, sounds fair to me


Sorry, I was unclear. Does the packet need any of these fields set? Does it work to just leave off "ticker" and "title", rather than assign them to empty strings?

Thanks Simon. This behaviour is logical as AppDatabase is unified and used for every device with NotificationsPligin. And NotificationsPlugin's settings doesn't have any information of connected devices, so there isn't any elegant way of doing things. I see two ways of implementing this:

  1. Creating an AppDatabase property for every Device, add a spinner with every remembered device. When selected, the corresponding device's AppDatabase should be updated. For this I will have to somehow provide NotificationsPluginFilter with a list of all devices.
  2. Copying a Notifications Filter List (without any checkboxes) to a menu for every device (like I did at the beginning).

Also, I have noticed, that the task I wanted to claim (write about developing your own plugin), was already taken, I thought it was not 'single-claim' task, I already had an idea for a plugin, but I guess I'll have to work on it after the gci ends.

sredman accepted this revision.Dec 12 2018, 4:30 AM

Sorry this took so long

I finally had a chance to check, and you are correct. The 'bug' where the notification plugin settings are not per-device is there on the master build too. In that case, it's a problem that should be solved, but not as part of this patch :)

I think this is good work. There is one part that's missing, though. If you notice, when you build from master or you use the Play Store build, then you upgrade to a build with this patch, the app will crash with some error about missing a table. This is because we don't currently have an onUpgrade which handles putting in the new tables, so someone upgrading would have to wipe their app data! This is obviously not great.

There is a solution. If you want to learn about it, look here is the relevant tutorial:

I have made a revision which depends on this one: D17521. We can merge that revision right after merging this one, then everything should be working! :)

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Dec 12 2018, 4:30 AM
  • Simplify if block and remove text from block notifications.
alexkovrigin marked 3 inline comments as done.Dec 12 2018, 8:05 PM

Hi, Simon! Thanks for your help. I've also run into this issue with updating tables at the time, I managed to solve it by deleting the app before debugging on my phone with android studio. Somewhy I didn't think, that I can fix it, but now it's done. I also fixed that if block which was a bit 'overcoded'.


Now it's done, I think.

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.