User Details
User Details
- User Since
- Aug 28 2019, 10:42 AM (289 w, 5 d)
- Availability
- Available
Aug 28 2019
Aug 28 2019
zaitseff requested review of D23533: Initialise default styles just once; display an icon for points.
zaitseff requested review of D23532: Add the svgs/solid/dot-circle.svg icon from FontAwesome.
zaitseff requested review of D23531: Add a test for the GeoJSON file parser.
zaitseff requested review of D23530: Minor code cleanup of GeoJSON plugin, adding the new author and date.
zaitseff requested review of D23529: Update the MIME type for GeoJSON files to be RFC7946-compliant.
zaitseff requested review of D23528: Implement most of the GeoJSON Simplestyle specification.
zaitseff requested review of D23527: Completely rewrite the GeoJSON runner plugin for RFC7946 compliance.
zaitseff requested review of D23526: Rename the RFC7946 examples to better reflect their contents.
zaitseff requested review of D23525: Add valid GeoJSON examples from RFC7946.
zaitseff requested review of D23524: Add the Marble writing example in GeoJSON format.