[effects] Add multisampling support
Open, LowPublic


Multisampling can improve visuals of effects like Desktop Cube or Magic Lamp.

From effects' perspective, all what they would need to do is to set PAINT_SCREEN_MULTISAMPLE(or something like that) flag in prePaintScreen, e.g.

void SomeEffect::prePaintScreen(ScreenPrePaintData &data, int time)
    // Bookkeeping stuff, etc.

    if (m_multisampling) {
        data.mask |= PAINT_SCREEN_MULTISAMPLE;

    effects->prePaintScreen(data, time);

Current issues:

  • GLRenderTarget is not flexible enough, one can't use render buffers. Extending the API would be probably painful.
zzag created this task.Oct 30 2018, 3:53 PM
zzag triaged this task as Low priority.