Replace xLocalized properties on the data model with a Grantlee-based solution
Open, LowPublic


We don't use those anymore for QML (see Localizer in the app), giving us more flexibility in the formatting and avoiding mixing data model and presentation layer code.

Might need a custom filter for Grantlee, haven't found a way to do this built-in functions yet. We do have a KDE-specific Grantlee plugin already that might be a good home for this too.

vkrause created this task.May 22 2018, 5:53 PM
vkrause triaged this task as Low priority.
vkrause moved this task from Actionable to In Progress on the KDE Itinerary board.Jul 9 2018, 5:42 PM
vkrause moved this task from In Progress to Done on the KDE Itinerary board.Jul 9 2018, 6:55 PM