apport on ISO
Closed, ResolvedPublic


apport is on the ISO

as per T3891 there should be no dump handlers. especially not apport!

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sitter created this task.May 8 2018, 11:35 AM
sitter triaged this task as Normal priority.

from ISO build output 😒

Installing python3-apport as Depends of xserver-xorg
  Installing apport as Recommends of python3-apport

Probably needs an explicit removal hook in our live-build hooks, like we have for ubuntu-advantage.

sitter added a comment.May 9 2018, 8:49 AM

Removing this from the ISO and leaving the Recommends in place would mean it gets auto-installed when we move the stack to HWE though. It may be prudent to add an apt preference which prevents apport from being installed automatically? (like backports, although I am unsure how backports works WRT that)