Review patch "video length extraction and video thumbnails" by as
Closed, WontfixPublic



  • patch has been applied
  • A solution to the "analyzeduration" issue mentioned under item 4 below should be done before the next release

Original text:

here is another go. The patch should work on 5.2-41 (today's git master).

The changes are less than before (I did not shift the short video

  1. length is determined from the container as some vstreams do not have the attribute duration (as You suggested).
  2. verbosity is set to 0 (panic).
  3. We just want a number and nothing breaks if there is junk in the first line of output (this is caught later on where the cast to double is checked). Therefore, the test is: "do we have at least 1 line"
  4. For thumbnailextraction I need the analyzeduration parameter, even if it slows things down a bit. With some videos we don't get the thumbs otherwise. It would be better to *try* without this parameter first, then *retry with* on failure and keep the parameter for this specific file. But I did not find an easy way to retrace my steps and try the same file twice as these processes run asycronously.
johanneszarl moved this task from Backlog to In Progress on the KPhotoAlbum board.
johanneszarl triaged this task as Normal priority.Dec 12 2017, 10:02 PM
johanneszarl updated the task description. (Show Details)
johanneszarl moved this task from In Progress to Backlog on the KPhotoAlbum board.Jan 27 2018, 9:44 PM
johanneszarl closed this task as Wontfix.May 9 2020, 8:32 PM
johanneszarl moved this task from For next release to v5.7 on the KPhotoAlbum board.

Going back to commit 862181b04 it seems that no problems have appeared from having analyzeduration in the frame extraction code.