snap, flatpak or appimage package for Skrooge
Open, WishlistPublic

smankowski moved this task from Backlog to On going on the Skrooge board.Feb 25 2018, 2:58 PM

Flathub builds a Skrooge flatpak from its own spec at , and kdeapps checks Skrooge's git master every day for changes and builds using .

These occasionally need updating and there are a few outstanding bugs at, but you could close this task as resolved.

Snap has been created but is out of date @scarlettmoore
Flatpak is on Flathub and up to date
AppImage doesn't really have a centralised place to store them, and thus distribute them from.
If we want a central AppImage repo for KDE apps it could be hosted on but as they can be quite large due to bundling many libraries I'm not sure what the space requirements would be for them or how much space we have @bcooksley

Space isn't too much of an issue on

Filesystem                Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md1                  1.9T  1.2T  631G  65% /
none                      492K  4.0K  488K   1% /dev
/dev/mapper/vg0-archives  4.9T  1.6T  3.4T  32% /srv

We just have to ensure that they are expired in a reasonably efficient manner (and with some kind of sensible naming convention that is scalable). Discussing how to implement all of this is probably best done elsewhere though rather than here.

With regards to Flatpak, you can have nightlies without too much effort there by relocating the definition in your repository to $REPOROOT/.flatpak-manifest.json and then enabling the corresponding Flatpak CI job.

For Appimage, you will need to ensure your Craft Blueprint is up to date then you can add the corresponding Craft Appimage CI job.