Practice Activity
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The activity will present some word problem to be solved by the user . There will be a small calculator to calculate arithmetic expressions. The user can use the calculator to solve such problems. These calculations can also be saved along with the question so that the user can review his/her work.

All the functionalities of the activity have not been finalised yet and can be added/removed after the review by the community.

rahulyadav moved this task from Backlog to WIP on the GCompris: Activities board.
rahulyadav edited projects, added GCompris; removed GCompris: Activities.
rahulyadav edited projects, added GCompris: Activities; removed GCompris.
rahulyadav removed rahulyadav as the assignee of this task.May 5 2017, 7:29 PM
rahulyadav removed a subscriber: rahulyadav.
jjazeix moved this task from WIP to Backlog on the GCompris: Activities board.Mar 28 2018, 8:28 PM
dekumar added a subscriber: dekumar.Jan 6 2020, 6:17 PM

@jjazeix Can you please let me know if there's any diff for this activity so that I can test and work on to complete it?
I found a PR for it over here

@dekumar please focus on sok for now.
Regarding this activity, I don't remember at all the state, I would need to take a closer look :/

@jjazeix Yeah, I would focus on SoK for now. Would continue my work on this activity after SoK period.

Can I propose this activity for GSoC ?
I have 4 free weeks so I can propose another task to do beside mouse control action and decimal addition, subtraction.