Miscellaneous bugs
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In 7z archives (cli7z plugin)

  • I added a file baz.txt to a folder foo/bar, but an entry foo/barbaz.txt was created instead. Just a missing slash?
  • Same thing with cut and paste. Can this be unit tested?
  • I get Entries with the same names can't be pasted to the same destination. when I rename a folder.
elvisangelaccio updated the task description. (Show Details)

First issue is now fixed, but I still can't rename folders

There is a crash when I drop an archive on an (empty) ArchiveView (while it works if I drop the archive on the right infopanel). Backtrace:

mvlabat closed this task as Resolved.Aug 15 2016, 1:22 PM