Create the procedure to test the Math extension
Closed, ResolvedPublic

tomaluca created this task.Jun 30 2016, 8:56 AM
ruphy triaged this task as Low priority.Jun 30 2016, 4:23 PM

My proposal

  1. Create a new page
  2. Add <math> x^2 + 1 = 0 </math>
  3. Save the page
  4. Edit the page
  5. Add below <math display=block> x^2 + 1 = 0 </math>
  1. Print the page to PDF.

I know that's an OCG test, but it's better to check with math.

I think we need to define a standard routine that include all the extension at once.

ruphy added a comment.Aug 10 2016, 3:27 PM

added your math in that page, thanks @grigoletti