Indicate if there are new messages available and allow to get to them
Closed, ResolvedPublic


We currently only query for mails in a folder once, and then never again. This way a folder does not update itself automatically. We should either auto-update, or indicate that there has been a change and allow a refresh.

cmollekopf moved this task from Backlog to Milestore: MailClient on the Kube board.
mbohlender moved this task from Milestore: MailClient to 0.2 on the Kube board.Nov 8 2016, 1:28 PM
mbohlender edited projects, added Kube (0.2); removed Kube.
cmollekopf triaged this task as Normal priority.Feb 10 2017, 2:21 PM
cmollekopf moved this task from 0.2 to Backlog on the Kube board.Feb 21 2017, 12:42 PM
cmollekopf edited projects, added Kube; removed Kube (0.2).
cmollekopf moved this task from Backlog to 0.5 on the Kube board.Aug 25 2017, 8:42 PM
cmollekopf edited projects, added Kube (0.5); removed Kube.
cmollekopf moved this task from Backlog to Done on the Kube (0.5) board.Sep 11 2017, 8:53 PM

We now refresh the currently selected folder every 5min (hardcoded). I think that should be sufficient until we have any notifications to notify about new mails.

cmollekopf closed this task as Resolved.Jan 10 2018, 4:29 PM
cmollekopf claimed this task.