EFF calls for a week of action against #BadInternetBills
Closed, SealedPublic


We’ve made it clear that these bills are terrible ideas, but Congress is now considering packaging them together—possibly into must-pass legislation. I’m asking you to join us, ACLU, Fight for the Future, and other digital rights defenders in a week of action to protect the internet.


The STOP CSAM Act would put security and free speech at risk by potentially making it a crime to offer encryption.

The EARN IT Act would likely mandate scanning of messages and other files similar to the plan that Apple wisely walked away from last year.

The RESTRICT Act would set the stage for a restriction on the use of TikTok, but could also criminalize common practices like using a VPN or side-loading to install a prohibited app.

If KDE Vision means more to you than just a bunch of meaningless words, speak up!

lordhelpus triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.
davidedmundson closed this task as Sealed.Jul 19 2023, 4:03 PM
davidedmundson claimed this task.
davidedmundson added a subscriber: davidedmundson.

We spoke in a previous task about this. You cannot just reopen the same ticket again and again.

This is not how we work in a community and you are wasting our time.