Add UI to inform users of what went wrong in iOS client
Open, NormalPublic


Currently, the iOS app will silently fail in a lot of cases. Sometimes, we play an error/busy sound to indicate that something went wrong, but there's no way for the user to figure out what went wrong/what they can do. We have enough debug log for developers to identify and fix implementation errors, but not all errors are caused by incorrect code. Two notable examples I can think of are:

  • A remembered device has a new signature, user should be able to choose if they want to trust the new signature
  • File sending is currently in progress and we don't support adding more files during that yet

We should probably go through everything we are debug logging as error/fault and decide if we need to present those to end users without using technical jargons.

Here's an example guide on how to write error dialogs for users instead of developers:

apollozhu triaged this task as Normal priority.