harmonize name of logic activities
Closed, ResolvedPublic


From https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=450481:
Some more consistency in the naming and order of the *other* activities would also be nice, e.g.,

  1. always show the ‘against Tux‘ before the corresponding ‘with a friend’ activity (it’s this way for most of them, but not for the ‘Align four’ activities),
  2. be consistent with the use of parenthesis (used for most activities) or not (oware activity),
  3. be consistent with ‘against Tux’ or ‘against the computer’,
  4. be consistent with ‘with a friend’ or ‘with your friend’ or ‘against your friend’).
jjazeix created this task.Feb 18 2022, 5:35 PM
jjazeix updated the task description. (Show Details)

I agree with point 1.
For 2, I would keep the parenthesis.
For 3, against Tux.
For 4, with a friend

jjazeix moved this task from WIP to Done on the GCompris: Improvements board.Mar 26 2022, 9:58 PM
jjazeix closed this task as Resolved.