Prepare to release KDE Connect iOS to App Store
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Currently, the TestFlight beta is full, and the most current build is expiring. Per the meeting today, we should start to make progress towards releasing the app officially to the App Store.


  • Remove old TestFlight participants who have not updated to the latest releases to free up spots
  • Use Xcode beta to release a new build to TestFlight (to replace the expiring build)
  • Gather necessary information and screenshots for the App Store release
  • Wait for the next Xcode release for delivery to App Store (so the app doesn't crash on iOS 14)

Apple Silicon Macs

KDE Connect iOS is capable to run on Apple Silicon Macs (and those Macs only for now). TestFlight participants have tested this out and given feedback, which drove MR It's easy to enable this:

... but it could make "Where do I get KDE Connect macOS" an even more complicated question. I don't think App Store review would allow an external link for "additional downloads," so we'll need to evaluate what's the best option here.


apollozhu triaged this task as High priority.
apollozhu updated the task description. (Show Details)Feb 23 2022, 7:42 AM
apollozhu moved this task from Ideas to In progress on the KDE Connect board.Feb 23 2022, 8:04 AM
This comment was removed by apollozhu.
apollozhu added a subscriber: lucaswzx.
apollozhu updated the task description. (Show Details)Mar 6 2022, 10:41 PM

After announcing the intention to send KDE Connect iOS to App Store for Apple to review (but not release until we take care of T15319), there were no objections (only suggestion is to do phased release for the actual release)

Submitted 0.2.0 (13)

apollozhu updated the task description. (Show Details)Apr 24 2022, 9:07 AM
apollozhu closed this task as Resolved.May 16 2022, 12:20 AM