Build on windows.
Open, NormalPublic


Sink + Kube + CI + All tests passing on windows 10.

cmollekopf moved this task from Backlog to Later on the Kube: Roadmap board.


cmollekopf closed subtask T2942: KIMAP2 as Resolved.Mar 2 2017, 10:28 PM

To make a windows store app, as far as I understand, we would have to use the following:

Given the socket communication restrictions and the non-availablity of qprocess, this will not be possible at the moment and will require changes.

cmollekopf edited projects, added Kube; removed Kube: Roadmap.Sep 27 2017, 7:53 AM
cmollekopf triaged this task as Normal priority.
cmollekopf moved this task from Backlog to 0.7 on the Kube board.Mar 2 2018, 4:23 PM
cmollekopf edited projects, added Kube (0.7); removed Kube.
cmollekopf moved this task from Backlog to In Progress on the Kube (0.7) board.Apr 17 2018, 8:38 AM
cmollekopf moved this task from 0.7 to Backlog on the Kube board.Jul 12 2018, 7:59 AM
cmollekopf edited projects, added Kube; removed Kube (0.7).