Plasma Charts Faces and Plasma Charts Presets not on sidebar
Closed, ResolvedPublic


two new categories used by plasma, Plasma Charts Faces and Plasma Charts Presets that are present on the store, but are not in the sidebar, nor come up in search results

Plasma Charts Faces category :

Plasma Charts Presets category:

(note that there are also spam entries in there)

mart created this task.Nov 26 2020, 3:00 PM
mart added a project: Plasma.
justinzobel closed this task as Resolved.Jun 19 2021, 6:21 AM
justinzobel moved this task from To Do to Done on the Plasma board.
justinzobel claimed this task.
justinzobel added a subscriber: justinzobel.

I can search for the names of these two categories (they are named differently now) and I can find these products with the product search bar.