messagelib - missing kdepim-addons
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Currently the dependencies inside kdepim are in flux, so many things are moving around. Sorry that means work for you :(

Now we have a test that text our plugin interface with an actual plugin that live inside the kde/pim/kdepim-addons repository, so we need to run this test successfully kdepim-addons to be installed.

knauss created this task.Jan 14 2016, 11:06 PM
knauss updated the task description. (Show Details)
knauss raised the priority of this task from to High.
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knauss added subscribers: knauss, mlaurent.

This will lead to a circular dependency. Are we sure this is wise? Commited, but added a note of the circular.

kde/pim/messagelib: playground/base/kdepim-addons
playground/base/kdepim-addons: kde/pim/messagelib

I reverted it. We can't build with kdesrc-build so no.

We need to find another method as create circular dependancy.


This is only a dependency for tests, so we don't need it for building. So need to add them in the metadata database.

The other solution that came to my mind is to move this part of the rendertest to kdepim-addons, because for kdepim-addons we need messagelib as dependency and the test only make sense with kdepim-addons.

You should move the test to live with the plugin, or vice versa - circular dependencies are strictly impossible.

knauss closed this task as Resolved.Feb 10 2016, 3:37 PM
knauss claimed this task.

the tnef rendertest part is moved kdepim-addons, so we now run the rendertests at the right place.