How many subscribers do mailing lists have
Closed, ResolvedPublic



What it says in the subject: We would be interested in knowing the number of subscribers some of the mailing lists have. Especially interesting at this moment in time is kde-community and kde-announce.

It would be interesting for us to also have regular updates on these numbers to see whether they grow.


paulb created this task.Mar 1 2019, 5:44 PM
bcooksley added a subscriber: bcooksley.

As this information is relatively sensitive, i'll need to know how you're intending on using this before we provide these figures i'm afraid.

paulb added a comment.Mar 1 2019, 8:27 PM

Why is it sensitive? I am not asking for names or surnames. Just total numbers. I don't want a database of anything, just "1000", "2000", or whatever.

If it's just the totals, I don't think it's sensitive. I'll look into it later.

But I'm still curious about what you plan to do with the info...

paulb added a comment.Mar 2 2019, 12:25 AM

It is for two things:

  1. We are going to add it to the data we are already collecting to gauge the evolution of the community. As one of Promo's main goals is to grow the community and its influence, we collect and look at a slew of different sources of data including but not limited to: followers and engagements on social media, popcons on distros, the number of different committers, the number of times we are mentioned in external outlets, etc. Again, we are not interested in sensitive information or even profiling our audience, we are just looking at the trends in the curves and seeing if there is any visible effect of our actions.
  2. We want to use the number as leverage. If we want to partner with an event or want to convince a company to sponsor Akademy, for example, they will be more likely to want to do that if we can show we have a healthily large community. It will convince them that, just by announcing a partnership with KDE or just by being nice to KDE, they are getting a decent amount of exposure.
bcooksley removed sysadmin as the assignee of this task.Mar 3 2019, 8:44 AM
bcooksley added a subscriber: sysadmin.
bcooksley closed this task as Resolved.Mar 5 2019, 9:23 AM
bcooksley claimed this task.
root@letterbox ~ # for list in $(/usr/lib/mailman/bin/list_lists -a -p -b); do echo -n "$list: "; /usr/lib/mailman/bin/list_members -d -r $list  | wc -l; done
akademy-br: 37
amarok: 513
api-comments: 11
atelier: 3
bangarang: 6
calligra-author: 33
calligra-devel: 189
campkde-participants: 22
choqok-devel: 30
digest: 22
digikam-devel: 150
digikam-users: 702
distributions: 103
elisa: 16
enterprise: 77
falkon: 17
freenx-knx: 441
funq-devel: 10
gcompris-devel: 231
gcompris-espanol: 1
gcompris-france: 89
gcompris-portugues: 107
gluon: 34
gwenview-devel: 18
heaptrack: 2
k3b: 24
kairo-devel: 2
kalzium: 42
kde-accessibility: 174
kde-android: 33
kde-announce: 4066
kde-announce-apps: 119
kde-at: 22
kde-bindings: 135
kde-bretzn: 27
kde-buildsystem: 128
kde-china: 264
kde-cl: 50
kde-commits: 111
kde-community: 463
kde-core-devel: 901
kde-dashboard: 1
kde-de: 204
kde-devel-es: 216
kde-distro-packagers: 82
kde-doc-english: 86
kde-edu: 356
kde-edu-pt_br: 14
kde-el: 43
kde-embedded: 52
kde-events: 132
kde-events-fr: 64
kde-finance-apps: 34
kde-frameworks-devel: 201
kde-francophone: 196
kde-freebsd: 233
kde-games-bugs: 16
kde-games-devel: 180
kde-gardening: 39
kde-graphics-devel: 76
kde-hardware-devel: 97
kde-i18n-ca: 51
kde-i18n-de: 76
kde-i18n-doc: 490
kde-i18n-eo: 40
kde-i18n-eu: 3
kde-i18n-fa: 137
kde-i18n-it: 116
kde-i18n-lt: 30
kde-i18n-nds: 39
kde-i18n-pt: 41
kde-i18n-pt_br: 144
kde-i18n-ro: 47
kde-i18n-sr: 27
kde-i18n-uk: 16
kde-i18n-vi: 14
kde-india: 469
kde-italia: 74
kde-jp: 414
kde-kamoso: 26
kde-kiosk: 225
kde-l10n-en_gb: 6
kde-l10n-es: 157
kde-l10n-he: 22
kde-l10n-hu: 28
kde-l10n-ia: 14
kde-l10n-in: 15
kde-l10n-kn: 36
kde-l10n-si: 21
kde-l10n-sw: 12
kde-l10n-tr: 31
kde-l10n-vi: 45
kde-latam: 52
kde-linux: 567
kde-mac: 94
kde-mexico: 86
kde-multimedia: 204
kde-networkmanager: 52
kde-nonlinux: 125
kde-openserver: 29
kde-partnership: 18
kde-pim: 423
kde-print-devel: 17
kde-scm-interest: 143
kde-services-devel: 27
kde-soc: 753
kde-sonnet: 58
kde-speech: 56
kde-teaching: 35
kde-telepathy: 116
kde-telepathy-bugs: 9
kde-testing: 90
kde-usa: 41
kde-usability-devel: 76
kde-utils-devel: 57
kde-ux-meeting: 23
kde-windows: 399
kde-women: 160
kde-www: 132
kdeconnect: 197
kdeev-books: 38
kdelibs-bugs: 36
kdenlive: 202
kdepim-bugs: 25
kdepim-builds: 16
kdepim-maintainers: 31
kdepim-users: 458
kdevelop: 138
kdevelop-devel: 161
kexi: 89
kexi-bugs: 2
kexi-devel: 31
kexi-pl: 29
kget: 29
kgraphviewer-devel: 20
kimageshop: 283
kmymoney: 200
kmymoney-devel: 94
koffice-devel: 277
kompare-devel: 25
konsole-devel: 73
konversation-devel: 31
kopete-devel: 281
krecipes-devel: 10
ksecretservice-devel: 28
kst: 91
kstars-devel: 202
ktechlab-devel: 12
kwin: 148
kwrite-devel: 186
kxstitch: 18
marble: 61
marble-bugs: 19
marble-commits: 21
marble-devel: 130
massif-visualizer: 21
neon: 176
neon-bugs: 4
neon-notifications: 4
noatun-bugs: 17
okular-devel: 123
open-collaboration-services: 21
parley-devel: 50
plasma-devel: 463
plasma-mobile: 58
qmlweb: 27
raptor: 87
release-team: 226
rkward-devel: 50
rkward-tracker: 12
rkward-users: 153
rocs-devel: 14
snorenotify: 5
social-desktop: 39
symboleditor: 6
taglib-devel: 218
tellico-users: 125
umbrello: 178
umbrello-devel: 61
unassigned-bugs: 7
visual-design: 33
w2l-editors: 21
w2l-editors-it: 22
webkit-devel: 28
wikitolearn: 113
wikitolearn-tech: 33
zanshin-devel: 20

(The options -a -p -b to list_lists means only supply the actual list name for advertised lists with public archives, while the -d and -r arguments to list_members means supply the list of digest and regular members, and wc -l converts that list into a simple count)