KDiff3 version update
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I am preparing to release kdiff 1.8. The version has been updated in the English docs and a branch established. No archive has uploaded at this time. I will wait two weeks for updates to translation. Since strings have been stable for some time this should only involve the version number change in the docs.

mreeves created this task.Feb 22 2019, 8:29 PM
mreeves renamed this task from KDiff3 version upate to KDiff3 version update.

Do you plan to keep the newly created 1.8 branch for a while, releasing new bugfix releases from it (1.8.1, 1.8.2, etc)? Or do you plan next versions from master directly?

Originally I had thought of doing bugfixes on that. With kdiff3 it though it may be a better work flow to use separate feature branches when a major change is needed. I don't expect the current pace of development to be the norm.

I'm not sure then what will happen to the 1.8 branch: will it receive new commit? It looks like more a tag than a branch right now.

From the i18n point of view, if you don't plan to keep that branch alive, then there is really no need to create a branch, which means copying the translations. If you manage that branch as a tag, it would be better to release from master instead, keeping it frozen until the release happen. You can always use a development branch in the brief time until the release happen.

I see new commits in master and right now the i18n branch which tracks 1.8 does not exist (it should be set at least inside website/repo-metadata.git), so I'm asking again: what are your plans regarding the 1.8 branch?

I'll be replacing it with a tag. Sorry for the confusion.

There is still a problem if you continue to push changes to master, though: you may introduce additional strings.

The tag of a version should be created only *after* releasing the tarball. Did you went through:
The part about "Branching" may be skipped if you don't to maintain a stable branch, but that means that you are going to release from the master branch. Releasing from the master branch means keeping the string freeze on the master branch.
It seems that right now the additional commits haven't changed the strings, but that still may happen.

Let's summarize:

  • if you plan to create a branch and support it, then please follow the full instructions in that document, and us (i18n) will copy the translations over the i18n stable branch, so that master can happily diverge;
  • if you don't plan to maintain a stable branch, then please help us make our life simpler and make sure that master contains whatever you want to release.
mreeves closed this task as Resolved.Mar 1 2019, 7:58 PM
mreeves claimed this task.

Thanks for help. After reviewing https://community.kde.org/Schedules/Applications/19.04_Release_Schedule I believe it would be reasonable for kdiff3 to join Applications at this time. I will close this for now.