pzamponi (paolo zamponi)


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  • Clear sailing ahead.

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User Since
Apr 25 2016, 10:49 AM (423 w, 4 h)

Recent Activity

May 8 2020

pzamponi added a comment to T9986: Delete "What's This" inline help functionality.

Hi, I think that the discussion "What'sThis vs. tooltip" is also a consistency problem. Referring only to SystemSettings, it seems there is no a rule: in some module "tooltip" are used, in some other What'sThis are used. In this moment I prefer tooltip, to be honest, because I dont't think users know how What'sThis can be triggered. Now What'sThis are simply generally "hidden", and users need all the information someone have provided: if there is a tooltip you just have to hover. Anyway What'sThis can carry more informations, but they should be grafically visible (for example after pressing the "Alt" key, or similar, their area should be colorize in some special way) and everyone should know they exist, too...

May 8 2020, 1:16 PM · Goal: Consistency, KDE Applications, Plasma, KF6, VDG

May 7 2020

pzamponi added a comment to T8871: Systematic KCM reorganisation.

Yes, I think that more inter-KCM connections should be another keyword here, and you work goes in that direction!
Another example could be that the "Desktop Effects" are tweaked in the "Workspace" section but they should be enabled first in the "Compositor" tab, which is in another section, "Hardware" (btw, what is a compositor? I think someone should add a veeery little explanation of that :) , and it seems that each effect requires also a minimum rendering backend). I think these tab should be linked too.

May 7 2020, 12:24 PM · Plasma: KCM Redesign, VDG

May 6 2020

pzamponi added a comment to T8871: Systematic KCM reorganisation.

Hi, yesterday I opened a bug because I think that the tab "Tilebar buttons" should be elsewhere. For example in "Window Behavior", since this buttons modify the behavior of the windows. I'm just an user, maybe I'm wrong, but I think that someone could be agree with me. Anyway I also higly doubt we can find a reorganisation that can be good for everyone, so I wonder if "links" could solve this situation. "Links" for me are something similar to the "Frequently Used" in the SystemSettings' main page, but "built in" in the KCM pages. I mean, many tabs can be placed in more than one place because their function overlaps with other, but everyone has his point of view. For example, "Accessibility" module can modify some special behavior of the keyboard, and one could modify its general behavior, too, if we put a link to to KCM_keyboard module (something like "more controls are here..."), and the same in the keyboard module. I think that what we could obtain in this way is a more flexible tool since it could meet many point of view.

May 6 2020, 1:20 PM · Plasma: KCM Redesign, VDG

Oct 24 2019

This is a test notification, sent at Thu, Oct 24, 19:09.
Oct 24 2019, 5:09 PM
pzamponi added a comment to T10165: Large category icons should all be colorful.

Hello, I think we should add some modules in the Systemsettings (Night Color, Touchpad, Graphical Tablet, Printers...) and some other application (Kdenlive, Lokalize, Marble,...) too!

Oct 24 2019, 4:14 PM · Goal: Consistency, Plasma, VDG