EU has drafted an anti-encryption law, please speak up!
Closed, InvalidPublic


@felixernst, remember how you told me that the EU's privacy situation isn't as bad as I thought? Look at how quickly things can change...

The EU Commission’s New Proposal Would Undermine Encryption And Scan Our Messages

And, once again, none of the privacy projects such as Tor, Matrix, Telegram, or Signal appear to be informing their EU users, who may otherwise remain unaware until it is too late...

Come on, speak up! Even if you don't have the resources to implement per-region banners on KDE websites as I suggested, please at the very least write a blog post or an announcement explaining the danger and urging other projects to raise the alarm as well.

P.S. I'll never understand Westerners. Countless oppressed people throughout the world hunger for the freedom to communicate and organize without fear of retaliation, and you have the power to help them. Censorship circumvention, for example, is only possible because of the Web's thorough integration of encrypted Western protocols.

Imagine if you also gave vulnerable folks PCs that aren't full of places for spyware to hide and survive OS reinstalls, inexpensive smartphones that are secure and aren't locked into outdated Android versions, and so on...

And yet, even when your own privacy is on its last legs, you seem to have little desire to protect it. Perhaps, like climate change, the majority of people are incapable of caring about mass surveillance unless it directly affects them...

If so, I hope Roe v. Wade is overturned, since it may be our last chance to avoid 1984 becoming reality. Perhaps when innocent US women start being persecuted for seeking abortions based on their online behavior, the current generation of Westerners may finally realize that, yes, government tyranny can happen to THEM, and that privacy is essential when things go wrong. But I'm not holding my breath...

lordhelpus triaged this task as High priority.

@felixernst, remember how you told me that the EU's privacy situation isn't as bad as I thought? Look at how quickly things can change...

I stand by what I said in {T15273]. Please re-read also what others said there. I am not going to explain my points again.

a legislative proposal

EARN IT is still not law in the U.S.

The last law you wanted us to oppose didn't became law either.

The European Union prides itself on high standards for data protection and privacy, as demonstrated by the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR. This new proposal suggests the EU may head in a dramatically different direction, giving up on privacy and instead seeking state-controlled scanning of all messages.

European civil society groups that deal with digital freedoms, including European Digital Rights (EDRi), Germany’s Society for Civil Rights, the Netherlands’ Bits of Freedom, and Austria’s have expressed grave concerns about this proposal as well.

Fortunately, the misguided proposal published today is far from the final word on this matter. The European Commission cannot make law on its own. We don’t think the EU wants to cancel everyday people’s privacy and security, and we are ready to work together with Members of the European Parliament and EU member states’ representatives to defend privacy and encryption.

Not even the EFF thinks it is as dire as you make it out to be.

In any case excuse me but I am busy improving KDE software so less people are on an operating system that spies on everything they do even when they aren't using programs that spy on them and even without any changes in current law being necessary for this to be the case.

The last law you wanted us to oppose didn't became law either.

@felixernst, people protested SOPA even when it was just a proposal, exactly because it's far harder to repeal a law than it is to prevent it from passing in the first place.

And, although EARN IT is still not a law,

The bill could now be voted on by the full Senate at any time, or worse, included as part of a different “must-pass” legislative package.

ngraham closed this task as Invalid.May 19 2022, 1:49 PM

Spamming these kinds of messages isn't helpful. Please stop it. If you really care about this cause, your time would be 100x better spent learning some communication skills so that you become capable of convincing people of your position rather than annoying them.

learning some communication skills so that you become capable of convincing people of your position

@ngraham, speak for yourself. I've repeatedly asked you to explain why this issue doesn't deserve even a single measly blog post, only to receive non-answers.

Here is a quote from your own blog: "Cloud services are expensive and can compromise your privacy."

You clearly care. There must be a reason why you aren't as freaked out as I am.

Why can't you just tell me what it is?

And no, accusations of immaturity and black-and-white thinking don't count, and neither does "hardware backdoors are already here, so let's just sit back and watch them outlaw privacy completely".

Not taking the bait, sorry.

If what you're doing doesn't seem to be working, change your approach or else be frustrated forever.