nihalani (Ashvin Nihalani)


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  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.

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User Since
Jun 7 2020, 5:05 PM (208 w, 2 d)

Recent Activity

Jul 5 2020

nihalani added a comment to M174: KDE Connect Android App Welcome Screens.

Some small nitpicks: you don't have to add them if you don't think its valid.

  1. Rearrange the help screen with the sync notifications first, then the file transfer, the remote control. I would hazard a guess that thats what people want the most. Again not sure so feel free to use your discretion.
  2. Googles HIG guidlines state that you shouldn't really display a screen showing ui, rather you should overlay disrections over the UI. However I also don't know how many people actually follow this.
Jul 5 2020, 3:02 AM · VDG, KDE Connect

Jul 4 2020

nihalani added a comment to T13260: Unify AboutPage behaviour.

Breadcrumbs are kept in place so that user doesn't feel jared. That throughout the entire application the look and feel is the same. In Dolphin, Konsole, and most of the KDE applications the about info is in a new dialog for this very reason. However if that's not an option then at least keep the breadcrumbs.

Jul 4 2020, 8:16 PM · Goal: Consistency
nihalani updated subscribers of T13260: Unify AboutPage behaviour.

I had a couple of comments about this type of implementation and posted it in a PR discussion but will re post it here so we can discuss it.

Jul 4 2020, 3:13 PM · Goal: Consistency

Jul 3 2020

nihalani claimed T9973: Telephony plugin for Linux.

The tradional way to open up a bluetooth connection and adding the device as a source. Thats the way windows "Your Phone" does it, that's why can't connect multiple bluetooth devices to your pc as once.

Jul 3 2020, 11:51 PM · KDE Connect

Jun 27 2020

nihalani added a comment to T10226: Two Factor Authenticator - OTP Generation.

So maybe not for kde connect but another kde app in general. I have found that this is needed as most services try to get you to store both passwords and your OTP for the same service which kinda of defeats the purpose of two factor authentication.

Jun 27 2020, 7:32 AM · KDE Connect