massimostella (Massimo Stella)



  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.

User Details

User Since
Mar 1 2016, 12:25 PM (430 w, 4 d)

Recent Activity

Jan 16 2021

massimostella added a comment to T13955: Attend External Events 2021: FOSDEM.

I think I can make the Kdenlive live demo, if you are still interested
let me know.
paulb updated the task description. (Show Details)
paulb added a subscriber: tcanabrava.

Jan 16 2021, 3:20 PM · KDE Promo

May 11 2018

massimostella added a comment to D12799: Simplify video producer handling.

Following Nicolas invitation here I'm.
The option 2 is very interesting (I personally like it) but I think is not too intuitive.
I don't know which is the easiest way to implement the feature we are talking about.
The option 1 is still the best one, in my opinion. I guess you can drop down the audio all the time you want, so if you lost, for eg, some sync you can trash the previous audio and drop it again from the original clips.
I think it could be interesting, if it's not a pain to produce, that you can split also the video from the audio too (it happens that you just keep the audio stream of a clip and later you need the video again. Generally you use the locate clip in the bin feature or the match frame to recover it)

May 11 2018, 10:28 AM

Mar 4 2018

massimostella added a comment to T7082: Timeline.

New report on 18.08 Beta 0

Mar 4 2018, 3:11 PM · Kdenlive

Mar 1 2018

massimostella added a comment to T7082: Timeline.

Hi guys.
I'm still checking the beta2; as I'm still using Ubuntu 16.04, I need the appimage to run Kdenlive (I can't compile it)
Here is a new list of issues I found:

Mar 1 2018, 1:38 PM · Kdenlive

Feb 20 2018

massimostella added a comment to T7082: Timeline.
Feb 20 2018, 8:18 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T7082: Timeline.

Hi everybody.
I tested the Beta 1 and I found the following issues (I don't know which of the following item on this list is already know):

Feb 20 2018, 4:16 PM · Kdenlive

Dec 2 2017

massimostella updated the task description for T7526: Interlace/Deinterlace.
Dec 2 2017, 5:50 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella created T7526: Interlace/Deinterlace.
Dec 2 2017, 5:46 PM · Kdenlive

Nov 21 2017

massimostella added a comment to T7481: Kdenlive 17.12 Tasks.
Nov 21 2017, 9:54 PM · Kdenlive

Feb 21 2017

massimostella added a comment to T5434: Allow user to turn on a Grid in Preview window.

Personally I don't believe that we need all this markers.
I just think that we could update the safe zone area markers to fit the standard format which contains a central cross mark and the mid lines on the border.
Check one example here:
With this kind of tool I never had any issues or limitations

Feb 21 2017, 4:02 PM · Kdenlive

Feb 9 2017

massimostella added a comment to T5174: Timeline UI and interactions.

Thanks Farid for your support and to look for videos: I know it's a very time consuming task.
For helping about transitions I create a very short video with all the useful info. I hope it can help to save time in understanding the approach.
In the video I didn't talk about the shortcuts for inserting a default transition on the timeline in the cut where the edit line is: in Premiere Pro they are: Shift+D for video transition, Ctrl+Shift+D for audio cross dissolve.

Feb 9 2017, 12:53 PM · Kdenlive

Feb 4 2017

massimostella added a comment to T5174: Timeline UI and interactions.

By hoping to be helpful I drop new feedbacks and answers to your questions:

Feb 4 2017, 3:33 AM · Kdenlive

Jan 31 2017

massimostella added a comment to T5174: Timeline UI and interactions.

HI to Farid and to all friends.

Jan 31 2017, 11:12 PM · Kdenlive

Jan 29 2017

massimostella added a comment to T5174: Timeline UI and interactions.

Hi Nicolas,
About track insertion:
if you use the strict mode, Kdenlive put the audio and the video track on the set target tracks. If you use the keyboard it is pretty natural to set where to put audio and video if you drag and drop you ask for something more automatic. So, now you are free to drop the video clip where you want but the audio is splitted on the track set as target. If you want to do what you wrote you have just to change the target for the audio. If it's possible to do have a different behaviour (the one you described) when you use the drag and drop approach I guess it's pretty good. But remember that, as the keyboard approach is faster, the majority of professionals use it. So create the new drag and drop behaviour but don't remove the target approach for keyboard.

Jan 29 2017, 11:34 PM · Kdenlive

Jan 28 2017

massimostella added a comment to T5174: Timeline UI and interactions.

Here there are some notes I took recently about odd timeline behaviours.
Just for eg: Kdenlive allows you to put an image (jpg, png, etc.) on the audio track and this is an evident no sense. If you are in strict mode you can't even drag it from the audio to a video tracks.

Jan 28 2017, 12:22 AM · Kdenlive

Jan 24 2017

massimostella moved T5173: Timeline refactoring from In Progress to Refactoring on the Kdenlive board.
Jan 24 2017, 9:55 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella merged task T5082: Timeline Refactoring into T5173: Timeline refactoring.
Jan 24 2017, 9:48 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella merged T5082: Timeline Refactoring into T5173: Timeline refactoring.
Jan 24 2017, 9:48 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella merged task T5082: Timeline Refactoring into T5173: Timeline refactoring.
Jan 24 2017, 9:46 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella merged T5082: Timeline Refactoring into T5173: Timeline refactoring.
Jan 24 2017, 9:46 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella created T5173: Timeline refactoring.
Jan 24 2017, 9:43 PM · Kdenlive

Oct 6 2016

massimostella added a comment to T1953: Advanced trim tools and trim window..

I checked the new updates.
The rolling trim works pretty well. Though, in strict mode, it just trim the video and not the audio.
For the rest, I guess that in the future it'll necessary to replace the name of the different modes with icons as it is in other applications because a lot of people don't know the name and the differences between these trimming features so symbols could be helpful for someone. Of course a tab with the name which shows up when you pass on the button with the mouse could be as well usefull for people who knows the name of the feature and want to learn which symbols Kdenlive is using for indicate the functions.

Oct 6 2016, 6:44 PM · Kdenlive

Oct 2 2016

massimostella added a comment to T1953: Advanced trim tools and trim window..

I hope I'll be able to clear all doubts.

Oct 2 2016, 12:12 AM · Kdenlive

Sep 24 2016

massimostella added a comment to T1953: Advanced trim tools and trim window..

I finally tested the new implementation of the rolling trim.
Here below I wrote a list of the suggestions I had while I tested it:

Sep 24 2016, 2:20 AM · Kdenlive

Sep 20 2016

massimostella moved T1962: Audio Mixer and audio workflow from Feature ideas to In Progress on the Kdenlive board.
Sep 20 2016, 8:10 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T3020: Title editor improvements.

The list of features we created contains all the things Kdenlive titler is still missing at now.
It's not a big list and the titler at today is already pretty good.
For inofs I paste 3 links to the images of Premiere, AVID and FCPX titlers:

Sep 20 2016, 6:28 PM · Kdenlive

Sep 15 2016

massimostella added a comment to T2908: Fix Movit NVIDIA issues.

After I installed the MLT stable version (instead of the git one) I tried again to test Movit. Now, Kdenlive crashes when you want to palyback the timeline also if you didn't put any effect on any clip.
Here below the copy of the terminal:

Sep 15 2016, 1:19 PM · Kdenlive

Sep 1 2016

massimostella updated the task description for T1961: Insert, extract, overwrite and lift with 3 points edit.
Sep 1 2016, 1:40 AM · Kdenlive
massimostella updated the task description for T1949: Preview rendering in timeline.
Sep 1 2016, 1:35 AM · Kdenlive
massimostella updated the task description for T1953: Advanced trim tools and trim window..
Sep 1 2016, 1:32 AM · Kdenlive
massimostella updated the task description for T1966: External monitor and fulscreen video overlay.
Sep 1 2016, 1:26 AM · Kdenlive
massimostella updated the task description for T1951: Fast transitions.
Sep 1 2016, 1:25 AM · Kdenlive
massimostella updated the task description for T1959: More sequences in the project.
Sep 1 2016, 1:24 AM · Kdenlive
massimostella updated the task description for T1960: Luma matte.
Sep 1 2016, 1:24 AM · Kdenlive
massimostella updated the task description for T1962: Audio Mixer and audio workflow.
Sep 1 2016, 1:23 AM · Kdenlive
massimostella updated the task description for T1963: audio cross dissolve on a single track.
Sep 1 2016, 1:23 AM · Kdenlive
massimostella updated the task description for T1964: Multicam editing.
Sep 1 2016, 1:22 AM · Kdenlive
massimostella updated the task description for T1965: Photographic layers import.
Sep 1 2016, 1:21 AM · Kdenlive
massimostella updated the task description for T2119: Scondary color correction.
Sep 1 2016, 1:20 AM · Kdenlive

Aug 31 2016

massimostella added a comment to T2908: Fix Movit NVIDIA issues.

After I compiled the latest version the situation I found that the situation has improved a lot.
Now I can launch the application, I can load clips in the project, I can insert some of them in the timeline and I can apply GPU effects but I can't preview the timeline for setting the filter and if I try to do it or if I try to play the timeline Kdenlive crashes.
I tried all this by using the blur filter.
This is the copy of the terminal window:

Aug 31 2016, 10:31 PM · Kdenlive

Jul 23 2016

massimostella added a comment to T2908: Fix Movit NVIDIA issues.

Though I can't still use the GPU effects on the Nvidia card I found some progress:
Now I can launch the program, load clips and put them on the timeline. Even if Kdenlive is not very stable when you use it with GPU effects turned on it mostly crashes only when you apply a gpu effects to a clip.

Jul 23 2016, 12:54 PM · Kdenlive

Jul 13 2016

massimostella added a comment to T2908: Fix Movit NVIDIA issues.

Actually, in my configuration, if the GPU effects are turned on you can't use Kdenlive because it immediately crashes.
For this reason, I copied everything happened in my terminal. It was a short sequence and I guess it contains all the infos (Graphic card version, Kdenlive errors, etc) which can help Jean Baptiste.
If your situation is different (for eg Kdenlive crashes only when you use a GPU effect but, for the rest, it's stable and you can use it) you can just turn it on, import a clip, put it on the timeline and add a GPU effect so we'll know what are the differences in your system behaviour; I guess that this could be very useful.
Thanks for the collaboration. :)

Jul 13 2016, 6:12 PM · Kdenlive

Jun 27 2016

massimostella added a comment to T3020: Title editor improvements.

I guess we need both EDL and a good Titler because this is what professionals expect to find in a professional application.
Actually for project export they probably would like to have also OMF, but EDL as first step is ok.
Of course a more complete titler embedded in the application is a very very important too,. as it's for some effects and filters (secondary color correction on top of the list).
Of course untill Kdenlive will be not complete, people will have to use differents tools for some job but I guess that in the future we have to find all basic tools inside Kdenlive.
Blender (very good for 3d titling) and Natron are very good compositing platform but are not too comfortable for titling. Maybe it's better to use graphic tools as Gimp or Krita. The major problem with Image editors is that you can't acheive good rolling or crawling titles.
When I wrote about compositors as Blender and Natron, I referred to complex effects and filters that you always find only in basic version inside video editor applications, so if you want to achieve "Hollywood results" ;) you have always to use compositing applications. For this reason, just for eg, Adobe has 2 products Premiere and After Effects, and Apple has FCPX and Motion.

Jun 27 2016, 11:27 AM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T2908: Fix Movit NVIDIA issues.

After the latest fixes this is my prompt:

Jun 27 2016, 11:06 AM · Kdenlive

Jun 19 2016

massimostella added a comment to T2484: Second audio editing mode.

I just found another "strange" behaviour: if you lock the audio track and you can't move the video part of the clip neither in the vertical way just for changing its track.
More: if the audio track is locked and I click on the video part of a grouped clip (or the video track is locked and you click on the audio part) I can't ungroup them because the menu is changed and you have no more this option. The only options we have are:
Insert space, remove space and paste but none of them actually works.

Jun 19 2016, 2:05 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T2484: Second audio editing mode.

After the new fixes about the relation between audio and video track I found some improvements and some regressions:

Jun 19 2016, 1:55 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T2908: Fix Movit NVIDIA issues.

Hi Jessed.
Wat we can do for helping Jean-Baptiste is to run Kdenlive by the terminal and copy what the prompt says.
The informations about the crash in 3 differen configurations could be very useful.
Thanks in advance.

Jun 19 2016, 11:17 AM · Kdenlive

Jun 16 2016

massimostella added a comment to T2937: "Features" Content.

I know what SMPTE timecode is.. But all professional videoeditor applications have it. Timecode comes from the analog age.
For this reason I didn't understand why it was inserted into the feature list.
It's as we speak about the import clip feature. You can't use a video software without this feature.
I know that in some application for mobiles or some toy for amateurs timecode sometime is missing but Kdenlive is a professional tool, so timecode is not a plus but it's a basic must.
For which concerning "multiple edits", in all professional videoeditor applications you have multiple timelines in the same project and you can shift from one to another.
Lybrary feature is an interesting tool and it can use as an improved form of the "consolidate" feature. So, personally, I don't think we have to speak about "multiple edits" because library in this situation is a more "rigid" solution to this needs than what a professional can expect. I guess we just have to talk about the "Library" feature for what it is without referring it to the "Multiple edits".

Jun 16 2016, 11:16 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella moved T1952: Speed control on audio clips. from Feature ideas to Done on the Kdenlive board.
Jun 16 2016, 11:07 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T2937: "Features" Content.

What about of animated gifs which show in 2 seconds the features?
Then about your list:

Jun 16 2016, 3:09 PM · Kdenlive

Jun 15 2016

massimostella added a comment to T2327: Website redesign.

Do we have already a text for the "Featuure" page?
I guess that before to create the screen shots we have to know what are the features we want to list on the page.
What are the most important and which are less important for creating images based on the text.

Jun 15 2016, 11:31 AM · Kdenlive

Jun 12 2016

massimostella added a comment to T1953: Advanced trim tools and trim window..

I just tested the latest git version (from the kde git as you shown me last time) and for me Ctrl+Click+drag doesn't work.
More now I have the same problem as thediveo: I have no more the two pictures side by side but only a big one half covered by the button.
Of course this is just for giving a feedback. I know you are working on cleaning the code so I rolling feature is in a total work in progress.
For the rest, it's not a problem at all that you mixed the 2 names. I just wrote it for being clear and for avoid issues in next communications.

Jun 12 2016, 10:24 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T1953: Advanced trim tools and trim window..

It's still in a raw state but it actually works.

Jun 12 2016, 3:16 PM · Kdenlive

Jun 10 2016

massimostella added a comment to T1953: Advanced trim tools and trim window..

I just tested the new update but it mostly crashes both in Strict and in Mixed mode.
It happened that in Strict mode it worked only one time and when it occurred Kdenlive performed the rolling operation just on the video, though audio and video was linked toghether.
Anyway this version of Kdenlive now it's too unstable when you use the rolling feature to make further tests.
Let me know what I can do more for helping you.

Jun 10 2016, 7:58 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T1953: Advanced trim tools and trim window..

I'm sorry for making you wait but I tried to use the new feature in "Strict" mode and it made Kdenlive crashes.
After some attempt my mind was lighted by the doubt and I used the clip in "Mixed" mode and I was finally able to perform the action.
As a first comment, sorry if I'm so strict with definition, but you are working on a "Rolling" and not on a "Ripple". Anyway if you read what I wrote in the past I'm sure that "Rolling" is the correct first step.
I tested the new feature by dragging the edit line, by moving it frame by frame from the keyboard and by the mouse (by clicking on the project monitor) and also in dynamic mode (by playing the timeline via JKL) and it always worked perfectly!!! :)
I don't believe we need the accept/cancel buttons: you perform the action and when you quit the trim mode, the clip stay in the position you left them.

Jun 10 2016, 7:34 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T2908: Fix Movit NVIDIA issues.

Hi, Afarid. :)
Just launch Kdenlive via terminal and copy what the prompt says.
I think that these informations could be useful for Jean-Baptiste.

Jun 10 2016, 7:00 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T2908: Fix Movit NVIDIA issues.

As I read you make some works on the code for beginning to fix Movit issues I made 2 tests.
The first time Kdenlive crashes just because I loaded a gui layout. The second time because I imported a clip into the project window..

Jun 10 2016, 6:58 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella created T2908: Fix Movit NVIDIA issues.
Jun 10 2016, 6:54 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T1953: Advanced trim tools and trim window..

OK. I just don't know why at
there is written that the last update was made by Vincent 3 days ago.
Am I missing some details?

Jun 10 2016, 5:56 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T1953: Advanced trim tools and trim window..

It looks like an interesting approach. I hope that you'll put some version of the code on the git soon, so I'll be able to compile and test it.

Jun 10 2016, 2:29 PM · Kdenlive

Jun 6 2016

massimostella added a comment to T1953: Advanced trim tools and trim window..

I agree with you that trimming tools will be a great improvement in the Kdenlive workflow.
But I guess that Jean-Baptiste wants to complete the rendering function before to move to this task.
I guess we have to be a little patient. He said that he felt very tired and he was sorry for the "accident" which occurred.
I hope that we'll can take decisions and we'll focus on further steps during the Kdenlive café #7 which will be on next thursday June 9.

Jun 6 2016, 10:19 AM · Kdenlive

May 27 2016

massimostella added a comment to T1949: Preview rendering in timeline.

Hi, I reflected on the preview rendering feature:
The timeline based approach is ok. It involves a precise mind set for exploiting it but it's good enough.
Once you learn to think in an "undo" vision, you don't loose too frequently your rendered preview.
I don't know if you want to fine tune the feature as it is now and move forward or if you want to implement it more.
For this second situation I have 1 proposals.
What do you think about a "consolidate" feature? Is it too hard to make Kdenlive able to keep rendered previews inside virtual clips in the Library? Once in the timethine they are immediately "green".
One stupid question, it's very secondary: is it time consuming implement that the latest rendered chunk is shorter than the standard 1 second lenght?
Every feedbacks is accepted. :)

May 27 2016, 12:57 AM · Kdenlive

May 25 2016

massimostella added a comment to T1949: Preview rendering in timeline.

Fast answer to point 3:
I found the combox. I was trying to select the profile through the Kdenlive settings>timeline>Timeline preview profiles panel.

May 25 2016, 1:26 AM · Kdenlive

May 24 2016

massimostella added a comment to T1949: Preview rendering in timeline.

New tests update:

May 24 2016, 8:40 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T809: Move main tools to a more visible place.

After the new install everything works perfectly.
Just 2 notes:

May 24 2016, 8:07 PM · Kdenlive

May 22 2016

massimostella added a comment to T2582: file caching policy.

This is perfect but I suggest to let users choose the folder they want to use mostly for previews files.
When you work on a very big project you can create several Gigas of preview files. So it's always better to target them in a specific disk or, anyway, not on the same disk where you have your OS.
Then if you want to bring your project, with assets and rendering files, to another machine, you can just tell to Kdenlive where to look for them.

May 22 2016, 7:59 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T809: Move main tools to a more visible place.

I just checked the new timeline toolbar but it is disappeared. Then when I right click on it for customizing, the menu related to the main toolbar (the one which is placed on the top by default) shows up. The idea to have a customizable bar is very good (AVID has this approach for eg) but I wait to see what it'll happen next. In this moment, it is still unusable.

May 22 2016, 7:51 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T1949: Preview rendering in timeline.

I finally made all the tests.
These are my suggestions by keeping the same number we used for our latest communications.

May 22 2016, 7:44 PM · Kdenlive

May 21 2016

massimostella added a comment to T1949: Preview rendering in timeline.

Great job! As usual! :)
After I read your next steps, I just can say that soon this feature will be complete and very well implemented.
Just a couple of notes:

May 21 2016, 9:01 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T1958: Folders import.

After the latest update, it's definitely possible to drag and drop folders from inside the application through the "add clip" import browser window.
The only limitation, you still have, is that second level folders are not imported but you can find the materials you stored inside them, in the main folder.
You can't import second level folders even by using the OS folder browser.

May 21 2016, 2:34 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T2484: Second audio editing mode.

I found some interesting "issues" for copying and paste operations and other "strange" behaviours:

May 21 2016, 12:14 AM · Kdenlive

May 20 2016

massimostella added a comment to T809: Move main tools to a more visible place.

I love it. and after you move the widget tab on the top it looks like even better.
I just don't know if it's a good idea the drop down menu for editing modes. Only AVID has editing modes. Actually, it has just 2 modalities. I saw that people who use the mouse for editing on that platform have the habit of shift frequently from one to the other. Who want to behave this way also on Kdenlive, probably, prefers to have direct access to them.
Except to this, I'll prefer to wait for other evolution before to express other comments.
For the moment I believe you did a very good job which really improved the user interface look.
The only thing I'm feeling I could suggest is to make the rendering progress bar a little bit longer: the double of how is it now? But actually I don't know. :)

May 20 2016, 10:16 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T1949: Preview rendering in timeline.

Sorry for the delay in the daily test.
Before to begin, I must admit that the multiple rendering zone selection is a new approach I never saw before that I like a lot. Great idea!
This together with the option to enable/disable a continuous background rendering of all the areas with effects could be the perfect and final approach for the preview rendering feature.
Now, my today report:

May 20 2016, 4:36 PM · Kdenlive

May 19 2016

massimostella added a comment to T1949: Preview rendering in timeline.

I was reflecting again on the Thediveo idea ( of a "full preview render" button into the future toolbar.
Probably when the "preview render" feature will be complete we could insert a button for enabling/disabling a continuous background rendering of the whole timeline. So while you are working just some of the CPU processing threads could render the job you already made. So, just some moments after you end your job, you can playback it smoothly. This could be useful mostly for 4K h265 productions.

May 19 2016, 11:29 AM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T1949: Preview rendering in timeline.

I just tested the latest version you uploaded on the git.
Insert and overwrite feature works no more and I found a small issue in the disable/enable feature. I just opened 2 bug reports.

May 19 2016, 12:55 AM · Kdenlive

May 18 2016

massimostella added a comment to T1958: Folders import.

I finally found a way to do it without any issues. I was able to import even several folder in just one action. :)
I opened Nautilus and I dragged 5 folders from it to the Kdenlive project window.
I tried this operation several times and everything went smooth.
If you don't want to implement it in another way, we can just communicate this way to import folders as the new feature.

May 18 2016, 7:55 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T2484: Second audio editing mode.

I have 1 new notes on this topic:

May 18 2016, 7:29 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T1949: Preview rendering in timeline.

Update on the yesterday night first impressions:

May 18 2016, 6:51 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T1948: Enable and disable clips on the timeline.

I checked on other main applications. The ones which have this feature actually behave as Kdenlive is doing now on the latest git version.
More in Kdenlive we have the mute filter just for the audio too.
I guess that you can move this feature in the done column.

May 18 2016, 11:51 AM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T1949: Preview rendering in timeline.

You probably know already that if I open a project and I want to render again a zone I rendered in a previous session, Kdenlive uploads immediately the existing rendering files.

May 18 2016, 12:59 AM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T1948: Enable and disable clips on the timeline.

I guess that the change you made was suggested by me.
I apologize for that indication.
Actually, I understood which, I now believe, is better only after the test.
Anyway, I guess we can keep this feature the way it's now and decide later when we used this feature during some real editing sessions.
I'm sorry if I created confusion.

May 18 2016, 12:44 AM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T1948: Enable and disable clips on the timeline.

I tested the new fixes:

May 18 2016, 12:31 AM · Kdenlive

May 17 2016

massimostella added a comment to T1949: Preview rendering in timeline.

Finally, I have tested the "Timeline preview render" feature.
As usual, before to start with my notes, I have to make my compliment to you for the job.
For going forward from the messages we wrote yesterday I can add this:

May 17 2016, 11:53 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T1948: Enable and disable clips on the timeline.

I installed all the packages I still missed on my PC so now I can compile the source from the git clone: so, since now, I'll have no more to wait for PPA compiling.
I just tested the latest version you uploaded half an hour ago.
About the Enable/Disable clips on the timeline feature, I think we can consider it complete.
There is only a very small bug on the graphic side. It's so secondary that I suggest you to fix it only if it's easy and fast to code:

May 17 2016, 10:00 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T1949: Preview rendering in timeline.

I believe that this approach is the correct one.

May 17 2016, 7:19 AM · Kdenlive

May 16 2016

massimostella added a comment to T1949: Preview rendering in timeline.

Feedback based on your declarations (the new version is not yet in the master PPA)

May 16 2016, 10:11 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T1948: Enable and disable clips on the timeline.

I finally tested the new feature.
My opinions are:

May 16 2016, 9:20 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T2488: 50% slow motion playback.

It's OK. We can just keep it mind for when it'll be implemented in MLT if it not possible or too time consuming to code it now.

May 16 2016, 6:21 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T1948: Enable and disable clips on the timeline.

Ok. Thanks a lot for your answer.

May 16 2016, 3:42 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T1948: Enable and disable clips on the timeline.

I'm sorry to say that though I updated this night to the latest git version I have not the command even in the Clip menu where I already searched.
I tried also to reset the app by removing all the config folders but still no menu voice appears. :(

May 16 2016, 3:37 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T1948: Enable and disable clips on the timeline.

I don't know what to say.
I have not any icon on the clip strip. I spent several minutes for understanding where the command for enabling and disabling was and then I thought Jean-Baptiste just added the disable status to the code.
Anyway, the icon on the strip is not a bad idea. I thought you inserted the command on the right-click menu and then you used some color modification for remembering to the user which clips were muted.
By the way, I saw that in the audio filter there is a mute filter for audio which does exactly what enable/disable feature does.
I guess that it's better to have a common behaviour for video, audio and groups.

May 16 2016, 3:29 PM · Kdenlive

May 13 2016

massimostella added a comment to T1949: Preview rendering in timeline.

Just one suggestion about it:
I guess you can choose what to render without any color bar which alerts you about what you have to do (every PC hardware is different so every machine is able to playback in a different way the effects and the compositing). If you find an area where your PC is not able to playback the effects or the compositing in RealTime you can just select that zone and render it. Once the rendering is done (maybe in the background so you can continue to work on other areas of the project) a green line could appear on the timeline bar just for reminding you that the area was rendered for timeline preview. The rendered area could be composed of a series of very small files (maybe they could be long just as one GOP) so if you change something in that area Kdenlive has to re-render just the changes.

May 13 2016, 4:33 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T2484: Second audio editing mode.

I used Kdenlive in both modes for checking "strange" behaviours. This is what I found for the moment.

May 13 2016, 3:48 PM · Kdenlive

May 12 2016

massimostella added a comment to T1965: Photographic layers import.

I found why it happens this here:
At the latest today post j-b-m wrote:

May 12 2016, 5:46 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella added a comment to T1965: Photographic layers import.

I read it and I tested it too. But when I tried to import .kra files in RGB space, both simple one with just one layer and projects which contain more layers, I had these results:

May 12 2016, 5:41 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella assigned T1953: Advanced trim tools and trim window. to mardelle.
May 12 2016, 3:47 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella assigned T2484: Second audio editing mode to mardelle.
May 12 2016, 3:47 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella assigned T1949: Preview rendering in timeline to mardelle.
May 12 2016, 3:47 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella assigned T1958: Folders import to mardelle.
May 12 2016, 3:46 PM · Kdenlive
massimostella assigned T1948: Enable and disable clips on the timeline to mardelle.
May 12 2016, 3:46 PM · Kdenlive